Royal Green Bio-Tech
(Biotechnology industry)
2008 — Present (4 years )
Royal Green evolved from decades of experience in various bio-tech and alternative energy fields; including bio-fuel, aqua-culture, wind power, solar power, electro-magnetic mechanics, building and sculpture from recycled materials, waste water purification, fish farming, organic farming, development of algae products for food and fuel, third world plantation management of Jatropha, Camelina & Castor for bio-fuel technology and of Noni, Goji, Aloe, Acai and Mangosteen for nutriceuticals
Domino Dynamics
(Investment Management industry)
2007 — Present (4 years )
Domino Dynamics was created to make investment funds available for projects which enhance the environment, improve communities, develop training and
intern programs for at-risk groups, and institute 'green' technologies in construction and engineering
Aminaco American Corporation
And Overseas Trading Corporation
(International Trade and Development industry)
1987 — Present (24 years )
Vice President
Super Nutriceuticals
(Health, Wellness and Fitness industry)
1998 — present (13 years )
After serving as a Vice President for Middle East sales at Infinity vitamins and as President of the Angel Center for Healing and the Beverly Hills International Clinic, efforts were concentrated on developing specialty health and fitness products for advanced wellness and sports injury recovery, as well as custom formulations for 'super-health' and anti-aging
Ambassador of Goodwill
Islamic and Arabian Culture
(International Trade and Development industry)
1996 — present (15 years )
Originally chosen to serve as an Ambassador of Goodwill by the former Deputy Consul of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Al-Awad (presently in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia), the role expanded to include numerous humanitarian projects and voluntary roles in matters pertaining to Interfaith dialogue, correction of misunderstandings, improvement in inter-cultural relations and advancement in international co-operation through joint venture projects with humanitarian purposes
Investment Adviser
confidential list upon request
(Investment Management industry)
1980 — present (30 years )
Investment management in Europe, America, Middle East, Asia, Africa
Contract Specialist (legal dept.)
Parsons Brinkerhoff
(Construction industry)
1998 — 1999
Developed policy for contract close-out procedure, worked directly under Vice President and President of Parsons, at Reston, VA (corporate) HQ (Salee Amina [Barnes] Mohammed).
Vice President
World Gold Association
(Mining & Metals industry)
1978 — 1980 (3 years )
Lausanne, Switzerland
Former owner of two natural health medical clinics and manufacture of nutritional supplements:
- Beverly Hills International Clinic (Beverly Hills, California)
- The Angel Center for Healing (Scottsdale, AZ)
- Super Nutriceuticals and Quantum Health (Provo, Utah)
Owner of Beverly Hills Rags.
Former owner of the Beverly House Hotel (Beverly Hills, California ["Maison 140"])
Dr. Salee Amina is involved in numerous charities, and also is on the boards of two non-profit organizations which finance and develop alternative energies,
water and food distribution and basic needs for underdeveloped countries.
Salee Amina Mohammed's Education
- Harvard University
- Dubai School of Government, United Arab Emirates
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- California State University, Northridge
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Pierce College
- San Jose College
A Powerful Weapon
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
"Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week."