Humanitarian and Charitable Work
Throughout her life, Dr. SaLee' Amina has been engaged in humanitarian efforts, charitable projects, volunteerism and donating to worthy causes. She firmly believes that one must work to make a living, but that one must help others to make a life. Being of help and doing good is of senior importance to her than making a profit or gaining benefit. Long lists of her charitable actions attest to these facts, a few examples of which are:
During the first Gulf War, Dr. SaLee' flew news footage from the Gulf to Amman, Jordan, via private jet, where it was fed by satellite to news media, worldwide. On each return trip, she voluntarily filled the private jet with refugees from war-torn Iraq, giving them a free ride to safety; since all commercial airlines were fully booked and the Jordanian border was the only escape route available to the refugees. These people were brought by Dr. SaLee' Amina Mohammed to safety in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where they managed to get connecting flights to their various home countries.
In 1984, Dr. SaLee' Amina established a charitable trust, located in Delhi, India, which created job training for many of the poorest residents. The training schedule included each student receiving one full meal and several 'tea' breaks throughout the day, free of charge; and the premises included restrooms, a kitchen, a very large courtyard and several clean rooms, where students were allowed to sleep, if they were without adequate homes. Students with children were allowed free and low-cost childcare during their free job-training. As a result, many students were advanced to wage-earning positions in society and others learned to create products which could be sold to provide a living for themselves, their families and their communities. All costs were borne exclusively by Dr. SaLee' Amina Mohammed.
During Ramadan, 2008, Dr. SaLee', still recovering from a paralyzing disease (Rhabdomyolysis, which is often fatal,) had traveled to Pakistan to take part in a massive feeding program for the poor people of North Karachi. Though herself needing help to stand or walk, she spent most of Ramadan providing bags of rice and flour to poor families.
After having consistently donated the majority of her income to humanitarian charities and development projects in the poorest countries, Dr. SaLee' Amina continues her tradition of constant charity through projects that provide low-cost and subsidized housing, emergency shelters, sanitary water, AIDS/HIV treatments, natural health remedies and solar powered mini-electrical and cooking facilities in undeveloped and barren areas of developing countries, worldwide.
Her latest efforts to bring people out of poverty and degraded conditions, is through services provided by her personal non-profit organization, 'Beverly Hills RAGS' ('RAGS' stands for Rehabilitation, Assistance and Guidance Services,) and she is a continual contributor to 'Habitat for Humanity', which builds homes for the very low income populace. Volunteerism and doing charity is incorporated into her work schedule with as much importance as any business activity. A list of charities with which she has been affiliated is available upon request.
See also goodwill ambassador and
Shape History
"We have a responsibility in our time, as others have had in theirs, not to be prisoners of history but to shape history, a responsibility to fill the role of path-finder, and to build with others a global network of purpose and law."